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Hotel De’ Ricci’s highest priority is the health, safety and security of its guests, employees and business partners worldwide.
In response to the recent development of the COVID-19 pandemic, we continue to follow the latest advice and recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the local authorities in the countries we operate in. For up-to-date information and further details, please refer to the WHO and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and of ISS.
We have activated all preventive and protective measures against COVID-19, as well as hygiene measures including increased cleaning and sanitizing frequency with respect to guidelines on how to handle suspected or confirmed cases of Coronavirus or lockdowns for quarantine purpose in cooperation with the local authorities.
All staff has been trained and informed about the risk of COVID-19 in order to safely perform its tasks avoiding the potential spread and prevent the virus from spreading.
Although we are sure that our guests are already familiar with the type of measures taken, these should be considered and remembered as a form of hospitality: respect of safety distance, hand hygiene and respiratory hygiene.
In compliance with the laws on the protection of personal data and privacy, the staff at the reception might take note of the information necessary for monitoring guests that could be ill by using a questionnaire during the check in.
In the perspective of a mutual collaboration, aimed at preventing the spread of Covid-19, we are confident that there will be, by all of us, great understanding and respect in correctly managing all preventive measures taken.
We are continuously monitoring and following the changes in recommendations and guidelines of the local governments and the local health authorities to continue working towards providing the best service possible while safeguarding the safety of our guests and associates.
Hotel De’ Ricci staff remains at disposal for any further information or doubts.