This site, like many others, uses small files called “cookies” to help us improve and personalize your browsing experience. Here you can find more information about cookies and how to manage them.

This page contains information on what cookies are, the cookies used by Hotel De’ Ricci, how to disable them in your browser and some useful links for further information on the subject. If this page has not provided you with the information you were looking for or you have any other questions about the use of cookies by write to

What are “cookies”?
“Cookies” are small text files that are stored by the browser (for example, Internet Explorer or Safari) on your computer or mobile device. They allow websites to archive some information. You can think of cookies as a way of providing “memory” to a website, allowing it to recognize a user and behave appropriately.

How do you use cookies?
A visit to a page on the site can generate the following types of cookies:

Cookies on site performance
Anonymous analysis cookies
Profiling cookies
Registration cookies
Third-party cookies
Cookies on site performance:
This type of cookie is used to ensure that you have the best experience on the site by keeping the user session connected to the same server for as long as possible and remembering any essential preference for using the site.

Anonymous analysis cookies:
Every time a user visits our site, a web analysis program provided by third parties, generates an anonymous analysis cookie.
These cookies can tell us if you have already visited or not the site in the past.
Your browser will tell us if you have these cookies, and if you do not have them, we will generate new ones.
This allows us to track how many unique users we have and how often they visit the site.
Unless you are registered on, these cookies can not be used to identify individuals; they are used only for statistical purposes. If you have logged in to the site, we will also know the details you have provided, such as username and email address.

Profiling cookies:
These cookies keep track of the pages visited and some actions taken within the site in order to better understand the user’s preferences and provide personalized services and offers.

Registration cookies
When you register on we generate cookies that indicate whether or not you are logged in.
Our servers use these cookies to understand with which account you are logged in and if you are allowed access to particular services. It also allows us to associate orders etc. with your user account.

Third Party Cookies
On some pages of third parties can set their cookies for the purpose of tracking the operation of their application or customizing the application for you. Hotel De’ Ricci can not access these cookies nor can third parties access the cookie data used by Hotel De’ Ricci.
For example, when you share an article using a social sharing button on, the social network that created the button will record your action.

How can I disable cookies?
It is usually possible to block cookies on your browser or block them for a particular site. Please note that blocking cookies will prevent you from using some features of the site you are visiting.
All modern browsers allow you to change the cookie settings. These settings are usually found in the “Options” or “Preferences” menu of the browser. The following links may be useful for the purpose of changing the cookie settings otherwise you can use the “Help” option of your browser for more details.

Cookies settings in Internet Explorer
Cookies settings in Firefox
Cookies settings in Chrome
Cookies settings in Safari
Useful links
If you want to find more information about cookies and their use on the internet, you can find the following links useful:

Wikipedia introduction to cookies
Microsoft Cookies guide
All about cookies
If you want to contact us about cookies, please write to

PRIVACY POLICYThe following information is provided in accordance with the current legislation concerning privacy  (Articles 13 and 14 of European Regulation 2016/679 « GDPR » – and Italian Leg).

Hotel De’ Ricci ( the “Company”), always concerned with the care and protection of the personal data of its clients and collaborators, informs that, in the performance of its services and in the acquisition of data through its own website, treats the personal data in compliance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation  for the protection of EU Personal Data 2016/679 of 27 April 2016, in force from 25 May 2018, as well as in accordance with the Italian Legislation and with  Information Technology Regulations, specifically approved by the Company.

Processing Personal Information means any operation or set of operations performed with or without the help of electronic devices, applied to personal data or sets of personal data, even if not recorded in a database, such as their collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, processing, selection, blocking, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, use, communication by transmission, dissemination, comparison or interconnection, limitation, deletion or destruction.

The Company will proceed, therefore, in accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of the Regulation and the Italian legislation in force to the relative treatment for the purposes listed below, manually and/or with the support of telematic system.

  1. Purposes of personal data processing

The personal data collected is used and processed in accordance to the Regulation and the Italian Leg. For the following purposes:

– Service Delivery

  1. Communication and dissemination of personal data

Data may be disclosed to third parties when communication is required by law, including the scope of prevention/repression of any illegal activity.

In addition, the data may be communicated exclusively for the purpose of providing the service to the employees/collaborators/consultants of Company, to third-part companies and data processors, as weel as to professionals whose service is outsourced by the Company, who are all bound by the express obligations of confidentiality and/or professional secrecy.

The data or personal data will not be disclosed to the public or, in any case, to an indeterminate number of subjects.

  1. Providing the requested data: the legal basis and lawfulness of its processing

3.1 Services delivery

Providing the requested data and consenting its use is necessary in order to carry out the contract obligations and, therefore, the enevntual refusal results in the impossibility of fulfilling the same contractual obligations.

In addition to enter into and perform the contract, the conferment of the previously mentioned data is compulsory, according to the establish nationa and local legal regulations (among which include Public Security, and those relative to accounting and fiscal obligations, and for dealing with fraud or legal disputes).

We inform you that the acquisition of personal data may also take place through transmission from third parties on the basis of the express consent that the interested party has given to such third parties, in execution of the contract between them. In such situations, Hotel De’ Ricci, as Data Controller, will comply with the related regulatory provisions contained in EU 679/2016, as well as in the Italian legislation in force, concerning the protection of personal data carried out on behalf of the Data Controllers (third-parties).

Therefore, the eventual refusal in providing data for which there is no obligation under the law, but strictly functional to the execution of the service, does not entail any consequences in relation to the current relationships, but can result in the impossibility of proceeding with operations related to such data or the impossibility of service execution.

Where applicable, as required by Article 21 of the Regulation, a subject has the right to object at any time to the processing of personal data concerning him or her, and to obtain the rectification and integration of his/her data in the event they are inaccurate.

  1. Transfer of personal data to countries outside the European Union

The data collected and processed shall not be trasferred to companies or other entities outside the European Union.

  1. The storage of personal data

With reference to personal data above processed, they will be kept in accordance with the principle of proportionality and in any case until the purposes of of treatment have been pursued and in compliance with the legal provitions on the storage of company records.

  1. The owner of the personal data processed

The onwer of the personal data processed is Hotel De’ Ricci, having its headquarters in Via della Barchetta 14, 00186 Roma and registered office in Viale Liegi 10, 00198 Roma.

  1. The right to be informed

In any moment, a client can exercise, in accordance with articles 15 to 22 of the legal UE Regulation n.679/2016, reproduced in a reduced form in Annex A to this policy, the right to be informed,  as weel as knowing the list of Data Controllers, by sending an email to or a letter to the owner of personal data.

The exercise of rights is not subject to any form constraint and is free of charge..

  1. Processing location

The processing of personal data takes place at the operative headquarters of the owner: Hotel De’ Ricci Via della Barchetta 14, 00186 Roma and the legal headquarters of the company: Viale Liegi 10, 00198 Roma. The processing connected to web services on this site is performed exclusively by the personnel, expressly in charge of data processing, from suppliers responsible for Internet services and hosting/housing of the site, and service management references integrated with hotel services. Furthermore, such processing is performed exclusively by technical staff of the processing department, or else by eventual collaborators in charge of maintenance operations under the strict control of the owner.


  1. Security

We use specific measures and procedures in order to safeguard personal data that is supplied to us. We carry out procedures of security and technical and physical restrictions for the purposes of preventing access and use of printed personal data or that contained in the electronic devices. Only authorized personnel can access personal data during the course of his/her work.

To this end and for a correct use of the data devices available, Hotel De’ Ricci has adopted and rendered a specific information technology obligatory for its staff to use, of the Regulation that illustrates the necessary measures in order to protect the information technology of our hotel, to which reference should be made.



Annex A

Euopean Regulation in compliance with the provisions of the General Data Protection  Articles 15 to 22

In accordance with articles 15 to 22 of the legal UE Regulation n. 679/2016, the subject has the right to obtain from the the owner of personal data the rectification, integration or cancellation of his/her personal data; (c.d. diritto all’oblio) the right to obtain the limitation of data processing and the portability of data, the right to oppose its processing of personal data, including the processing for the purpose of direct marketing, and lastly, the right to complain to the Authority.